First things first.....Like my new stove! You can see I took the picture before I removed the instructions from the oven door. I couldn't wait any longer. Carl had just finished making the final adjustments to make it fit perfectly.
Today will be my first review of a product. I made
Fiber One Banana muffins. I have been a fan of Fiber One products for a while. I have tried pancake mix,
Cinnamon pop tart and some of the fiber bars. I have liked all the products so far. I saw this mix in Target the other day and thought why not....
I simply followed the directions on the back of the box. I did notice one thing right off the bat. You can see the nuts in the batter!!!! In most box products if it states it has nuts they chop them so fine you can't see them. I wouldn't say it was nut heaven but

I evenly
scooped (I use a large cookie scoop) the batter into a 12 cup muffin tin. I didn't have
muffin papers so I just sprayed the pan with PAM. In the oven for 15 minutes.

They look good. Nice and golden.

DONE!! Did I mention my new stove works great! They are golden and sprung back when I touched the tops.

Once they cooled for 5 minutes I removed from the pan to let them cool more. They smelled so good. I cut one opened and placed some banana on the plate. Yummy, Yummy!

My final recommendation........5 kitchen spoons! I would make these again. The flavor was good I could taste and see the nuts and it was easy. But most of all it was easy. I made them before I came to work. What a great way to start off the day.
I hope you will find my recommendation helpful!!
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