It's been a while since I posted so I thought I would share somethings that are on my mind.... ** I started this post 2/17......***
- We finally have a warm break here in NY!!! We have had a couple days in the 30's and Friday it should be in the 50's. I know it will be short lived but we have had a bitter cold winter this year. **It's now March and this week it should be in the 50's all week!!***
- I can't wait for Spring. I love the winter but for some reason this year I am longing for the fresh spring air to come.
- Big plans for this year: paint the hallway, redo the spare catch all room, looking for a new kitchen sink (already have the faucet), rearranging our bedroom, finding some art work to hang in our bedroom, new windows in living room, buying blinds for living $ bedroom
- I am missing my Ohio girls SOOOOOO much! I can't wait to get out and see them.
- I am trying a new eating plan that has helped me tremendously. I am learning that my body is insulin resistant meaning that high carb/sugar loaded foods react to my body. I have cut out white flour and I am eating more lean meats and vegetables. I cut out the 100 calorie packs, snack bars and I can see huge results. I also started drinking a high protein shake almost everyday. Yes, I have lost 10 pounds (bonus) but not only that I feel better. I don't feel sluggish or the over full feeling. I don't eat sweets like I used to and I do treat myself to little things but I remember how my body reacts to the sugar and how I don't like the feeling of being run down. I thought this would be hard but it has been 18 days and I feel that I am adjusting well. ** I am still on this plan it has made HUGE improvements to my life**
- I have read two books so far this month. The one I read in 1 day and the other in just a couple of days.I love the feeling of relaxing but also doing something. I am starting to enjoy books. I am reading different types of books so I don't get stuck in a rut of the same old reading materials. The last couple books have been mystery. I am now going to turn to some biography's. **I have read two BIOS= Sharon Osbourne and Valerie Burtnelli***
- I am finding out that I am looking for a change at work. I spoke with a business development coach (everyone at my job works with a coach {she helps develop job descriptions, works with us to find out how we operate to make sure we are in the right role}) and I have come to recognise that I am not doing the "prefect/dream"job. I know every job has it's pro's & con's but I was able to talk to my coach and we both are working on a new job description to bring up to my employer. I feel like this will be a great position and my coach has giving me some ideas and has recommended I write so plans out and present them to my boss. If you know anything about me I am a huge planner so this is sparking my interest.
- New find ELF: eyes, lips, face brand of cosmetics. You can find them at Target stores and online. I love that almost everything is $1!!!! I first started by using the brush's and have recently started to use the eye make-up. I like to change my eye make up often so it works that it's only $1. I also want to try the make up mist and set.
waterproof eye liner $1 |
eyelid primer $1 |
Make up mist & set $3 |
That's my update for now. I hope all is well in the Blogging community!!!!!
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