Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekend update

Good weekend.
 Friday: (out of work @ 2:30) ran some errands, went to Christmas Party
Saturday: up bright and early- went to Hobby Lobby, TJ Maxx, Michael's and home by 2 pm!!!
I did take a nice long nap once I got home
Sunday: made breakfast, lazy day until I started to rearrange my dining room and started & finished decorations for Christmas!  We go and get the tree on Wednesday. The tree always takes me the longest. I like to make sure all the lights are just right and ribbon lays just so. 
I also did ALL my Christmas cards. I found mine at Hobby Lobby this year and they are very different then what I normally would do. Most year I make my own but I saw these and loved them (will post a picture), took inventory of gifts I have purchased
wrapped up the day day by making dinner and doing dishes and one final vacuum.

This week plans:
Monday-grocery store
Tuesday- WI #5, work late, get home and enjoy some time before my husband gets home (love him to death but some times a girl just needs to time to do girly things)
Wednesday- TREE time. We get a fresh cut every year and I don't think I could ever do a fake ( I may have a couple fake purses but don't think I can do it for my tree). Put lights and ornaments.
Thursday- out to eat with some great friends. Finish up tree (ribbon and star)
Friday- out of work @ 2 !!! Take pictures of decorations and post them.

Are you ready for Christmas??

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