This will all depend on when you have dinner. We don't eat until 6 pm so I have all day. To tell you the truth sometimes I feel as if I am way behind. I don't put my turkey in until 2 pm!!
Day before- I bake, bake and bake! I get all my pies, breads and home made cranberry sauce done.
Big day-
9-10- Macy's Thanksgiving parade!!
10- baked another loaf a bread
10:30- baked squash
11- started my stuffing put in oven @12, remove squash removed from skin put in bowl added butter, brown sugar let sit
11- cutting my celery, onion that I would need for the day
12- put stuffing in oven for 45 minutes
12- peeled sweet potatoes put in oven 12:30
12:30- dishes and cleaned kitchen
12:45-1 break time- Blog
1:15- start getting my turkey ready- for the first time ever I have decided to use a turkey bag. Several people have recommended it and it cuts down on cooking time
1:30 out turkey in oven (3 1/2-4 hours) 5:30 done time
1:30- peel potatoes I am also using a different recipe than I post. It was giving to me last minute and you use your crock pot and chicken broth. takes 4 hours, make ice cubes
2- clean up kitchen. empty dish washer for after dinner dishes.
2:30 shower, get cleaned up
3:30- set table, make lemonade, ice tea, cut cheese foe pies, organize refrigerator
4- mom should be arriving, visit relax
4:30- everyone else should arrive
4:45-5 check turkey, pull turkey out, remove pan drippings, let turkey sit for 15-20 minutes
5:15- make gravy, put stuffing, sweet potatoes, squash back in oven to warm up, put mashed potatoes in serving bowl
5:30 carve turkey and sit down and enjoy my family and friends