Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I don't have dreams very often (that I remember) but when I do they are eye openers.
Last year the week before my wedding I had a dream that my teeth fell out. I looked it up in a dream book the meaning of teeth falling out is LIFE EVENT (no thoughts about I was having a life event).
Last night I dreamt the same thing. I was at my parents home that I grew up in. I had just gotten of the school bus went in to my house and used the front door (we never used the front door) started talking to my mom and my teeth started falling out not all of them but the became loose and then one at a time the fell into my hand. I didn't freak out I just thought man why is this happening.
I looked it up online this morning and it again told me a life event or death of a family member. As I look back a year ago my grandfather passed away in November. I believe I had this dream because it is almost the 1st year anniversary of his death. How crazy is that I have the same type of dream around the same time.
I don't know what I believe as far as dream but what a weird occurrence

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