Wednesday, November 30, 2011

WW WI week 4

Hard to believe it's my 4th WI
Big week. Thanksgiving week was rough. I did great at my house on Thanksgiving day but Saturday for 2nd Thanksgiving was not as successful :(.
I ate what I wanted, enjoyed every bite, I wasn't stuffed but ate more snack/treats then I planned.
I know that if I wasn't on WW I would have thrown in the towel and told myself I would start over on Monday instead I took control and stayed on track the next meal :)
I also slacked on tracking this week as well.
I am proud that I didn't go crazy and that I enjoyed the Holiday

WI #4 -1 LBS
total loss 8 LBS

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas is coming.....

I've been thinking a couple gift ideas for Christmas. I always find it hard to tell anyone what I would like. I would rather not get anything but I guess my Husband doens't agree.
Here are a couple things I would like:

1. Food processor- I have a mini 2 cup food processor now which works great for quick and easy things. I would be able to do so much more with a larger one.

 I-Pod speakers- I love having some kind of back ground noise in the house when I'm a lone. This weekend I used my ear buds but then I couldn't here when my husband came in the house and nearly had a heart attack. So this would be a life saving gift.
UGGS- I have 2 pair already. I own the tall Ugg I think I would like the minis for a slip on as well.

Rylans- How cute! I have a pair that are similar but these look like they would be easier to slip on.. 

Now for my dream wish list:

Urban Decay Naked palette- I love the colors!!! I hear UD is the best in make-up. It goes on nice and stays all day. But I don't know if I can spend $48 on eye shadow????
I-Pad- How I would love this. We currently use a 5 year old lap top which does a good job but this is so fast and handy.

What's on your list?????

What a week....

WOW it's was a great week...
I had off on Wednesday!!! I got all my baking and prep work done for Thursday.
Thursday was great. Watching the Macy's parade, dog show and flipping through ads (not that i go shopping but it gives you good ideas). All the food was timed perfect.  Family and friends shared stories and enjoyed each other company.
Friday I worked :(
Saturday I baked a little more and then we headed for Thanksgiving 2.0
Great times, friends and food again.....
We stayed out til 1 am
Sunday- PJ day!!!!!! Did some online shopping and enjoyed the weather it's been in the 60's...
we have a couple more days of this great weather.

This week I plan to start decorating the house. I can't wait...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

WI #3

Weigh in # 3
This week was different than my last 2 weeks
The weekends are my weakness
I eat when I get board. The last couple months have been so busy & I have been watching how much I eat and why I'm eating but this weekend was different....
My husband was gone from 6 am-8 pm on Saturday and 6 am-6 pm on Sunday 
so I was alone
I had a great plan. I got up ate a healthy filling breakfast and was out the door to  run ALL my errands. I was tried when I got home. I ate a great lunch and started to set-up for Thanksgiving to make sure I have everything made a great dinner & did my usual cleaning
Sunday was a different story I felt hungry ALL day long. I new I had a house warming Sunday afternoon so I was trying to save my points knowing that most of the food was not going to be low/medium points. I did eat 8 points before the party and did eat well at the party. I did have a couple wings, cookies but loaded up on veggies.
I have learned on WW that the points they assign you are the right amount of points. You will loose if you eat the point given to you.
This week I ate ALL my points and lost
2 LBS!!!
Total loss 7 LBS

Plan for this week:
Eat healthy everyday and make sure I eat things I don't eat everyday (pecan bars, stuffing) in moderation.

I will do great!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving week

I love every holiday
Thanksgiving holds a special place in my heart
Everyone gathers at my house and we have a good meal, drinks and spending time together
the girls come over early and talk, make food and enjoy each other company. Once the boys arrive from the busy day of hunting we all gather to share a great meal.

Thanksgiving is a great time to stop and remember what is important.
My thoughts are with everyone that had a loss this year for any reason. I also feel that this has been a wonderful year for so many and I think of them.

Thanksgiving week:
Monday- don't forget to take your turkey out
Wednesday- bake breads, pecan bars, apple sauce, clean house
Thursday- prepare all foods:
Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet pototoes, stuffing, green beans, corn,
(I'm sure I am leaving something out...)

Enjoy your families!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

WI #2

WI # 2
-1lbs!!! Total 5 lbs
Did well this week. I went out of town to my grandma's (cookies, pies, treats) and did well. I did have a couple of cookies ans a slice of pie. My goal is to eat what I want in a healthy portion.
It's hard to believe it is week 3 already.
Once you start it easy to follow.

Love Thanksgiving. Getting together with family and friends and I get to cook & bake a HUGE meal.
I host Thanksgiving every year and we have 15-20 people and I love it!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Blog I enjoy:
Kate does great hair tutorials. I have used several, curling your hair with a straight iron, cutting your own bangs & a couple up dos. Check her out.
Steph has AMAZING recipes. I have made several and plan to make more. Great easy ideas and you can make adjustment to your liking.
Great tool to help in weight loss. You have to be a member but the tools they offer are great. Food journal, weight tracker, tips, ideas

I visit all of these everyday. They are great people and the ideas and helpful hint are wonderful. I do look at several more I thought ever month I would feature some more.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Birch box!!!!!!

My first Birchbox came yesterday!!!
It was so nicely wrapped. it was hard not to rip it open.

1. Anastasia Beverly hills (black box on right): HydraFull Gloss in Sugar Pink
give the gift of volume and shine with this high-wattage gloss
I tried this right a way & this morning. Liking it. it's not tacky and it's a nice light pink

2. BORGHESE Fango Brillante Brightening Mud (orange tube):
Sourced from Tuscany's miner-rich hills, this Italian mud treatment brightens and tones shin on face and body
I will be trying this soon.....

3. Guerlain (black card on right): Shalimar Parfum Initial
A new take on Guerlain's iconic floral scent, with notes of rose, jasmine and Iris
Tried this last night, didn't like it.

4. J.R. Watkins (metal tin in front): Foot repair salve
Rough skin is no match for this restorative balm. The refreshing scent perks up tired tootsies
Used this last night. I goes on so nice and I put my socks right back on so it stayed on all night. Feet in good shape this morning. I will be using this all winter long.

5. Two Paper Dolls (circle's with blue letters) Ampersand Coasters
Our favorite letterpress studio adds a hip, playful touch to everything they do, from note cards to coasters.
coaster is a coaster, but I like the design

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

WW week 2

WW week 2
Week 1 was good. I tracked my food everyday. Everything I ate & drank.
I felt good about my decisions this week.
I didn't limit any food
I tried new foods
Learning about the Points Plus program.

WI: -4lbs

Monday, November 7, 2011

Up coming week....

Monday- Early meeting at work, grocery store
Tuesday- Work Late, 1st weigh in with WW
Wednesday- help restock fire wood
Thursday- pack for weekend, make list for Outlet Mall
Friday- out early from work, cook turkey on grill, make meals for Husband for weekend
Saturday/Sunday- Grandma's!!!!!!!!

Looking forward to my Birchbox arriving!!! First one and I can't wait to see what samples I get. I will post as soon as I get it.

Feel great about WW! I have been on track all week. To tell you the truth some days I have a hard time getting to my points. But, I know that You have to follow the rules to be successful. Loving that the new plan allows you to have more fruits with out using up your points. It's about eating whole natural foods.

I'll let you know how my weigh in goes tomorrow!!!!


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekend wrap up

Things I did this weekend:
  • Enjoyed dinner at Mad Moose Friday night with some great friends. It's a BBQ place that is great. They slow cook all the pork and have a great pulled pork platter. They serve the BBQ with the best corn pancakes! I am not a fan of corn pancakes but I love Mad Moose! 
  • Saturday was a relaxing day.....I did things around the house. Gathered some home decor that I am giving my good friend since she lost everything in the Flooding in September. Good news for her they are closing on a new home this week!!!!!
  • Watched COPS!!!! New episode! 
  • Had a great breakfast with my husband. I made sausage, eggs and english muffins. 
  • Finalized plans with my dad for this coming up weekend. We are going to visit my grandma. Both of us a really excited. We don't get the chance to go at the same time. So we have great plans!!!! 
  • Study- I have a several insurance licenses and every couple years I have to take a test to keep my license current. It something I do everyday but I have to know the laws and that's not something I deal with all the time. Also, I am not a good test taker........
  • Raked leaves...
  • Relaxing for the rest of the night!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


(weight watchers)
I joined WW
I am determined, excited and ready to take control

Start date 11/1/11
 10 pounds
 eat healthy/drink water
 walk 3 times a week
use WW online
journal food/drink
make weekly menu
(other than being healthier)
10 pounds-new hair product (wanting to try it for a while)

This is not my first time with WW. It is a great program and I kick myself for not sticking with it. This weekend was my OMG moment that I had worked so hard to loose 50 pounds and I have put most of it back on. I get so angry that I can't be in control of this part of my life.

every week I am setting goals (some goals will stay the same every week)
this weeks goals:
1. take before photo
2. Track what I eat everyday
3. Plan the best weight-tracking strategy
4. Build up my favorites (WW site/foods I eat on a regular basis)
5. Clean out fridge/cupboards and fill with healthy foods
6. Meal plan (B,L,D,S) for week