Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hello, my name is Wendy

Well it’s been several weeks (11 weeks{well more like 3 1/2 months! I started this post such a long time ago}) and nothing from me. I know that I only have 2 followers and I don’t think they follow me & I’m okay with that. When I first started my Blog it was about cooking, tips & product reviews. I have change as a person in the time that I have started this Blog and I try not to share personal things (afraid of who my read or once it out you can never take it back). So, I don’t express my thoughts I don’t share personal things but I do read several Blogs; some about weight loss, families, craft and life experiences and they share so much. I enjoy that about them and it has inspired me to start expressing myself. With that being said I will ease in because I know myself and it won’t be easy. I am at a point in my life where I need to express feelings that I have so I can be happy and let things go. I am so thankful that I don’t have any horrible issue that I can’t handle. I know some of you know that when you hold things inside it can affect you in many ways. I am learning to not hold on to things and to look at things in more than one way. I have incorporated this in my job since June and I feel much more relaxed. I can't control anything but me and I am now know as "go with the flow Wendy" don't get me wrong I express my thoughts but I don't let it bother me if my boss doesn't take them. I know that I contribute and that's all I can do.

One main reason why I don’t Blog a lot is that I am a horrible speller & I have a hard time expressing my thoughts to words. This is one thing in my life that I deal with everyday. I wish that I paid more attention in school. I was an average student I excelled in business courses and still to this day enjoy learn about the business world. I’m in the business world as a life insurance sales. I never pictured myself selling insurance. I enjoy my job I find it very rewarding. To be able to help people protect what they have worked so hard for is a true joy. I am the non-pressure sales person but I am very successful. I write 85% of my office life policies. I am very open and understanding that most people feel that life insurance is a waste of money. I will never pressure anyone into believe how I feel about life insurance. I layout the options and help answer questions so they can make an educated decision. I don't feel this is my ideal career have no clue what work force career would be for me. I do enjoy my job but I know it’s not my dream job.
Another reason I don’t Blog much is I don’t think I have much to share. I love to cook, bake, sew and find new great products. I don’t have great time management. Meaning once I get home and cook dinner, make lunches for the next day, pick up around the house and spend time with my husband I don’t feel like being on the computer. It’s not just about the Blog I used to be the girl that her checkbook was to the penny and up to date, the girl who was on top of every birthday, anniversary, get well card the girl who spent hours in her craft/office organizing and sewing. Now I just want to spend my time with my husband and hang out (not a bad thing just need to get more done). I recently had 3 weeks off of work (out due to surgery) mind you I wasn’t able to get up and around and I might have gone back to work a little early but the only thing I can think of know that I am back to work is how I didn’t get anything done. I know I needed to rest and take care of myself but dang how I could have gotten so many things done. So my excuses are out; lame but I have plan to help me out of my funk……..

In the past I would say I would blog "x" amount of days and this time I am going to post as I want and not make it a chore. I hope to blog more often and share more with the Blog world.

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