Sunday, January 8, 2012


It's the first full week of the year. Last year I made 3 resolutions and I completed 2. 1. No coffee 2. No drinking 3. No soda. I made it on all 3 until June... Soda got the best of me. I was doing grat until I had surgery and the gas bubbles caused most of the pain and I was told to try ginger ale. It worked but I continued. Let me say that I never did any of the three on a regular schedule. To give you an idea maybe 1/2cup coffee 3 days a week, soda once a week and drinking less. I wanted to see if I could do it. On New Years Eve I waited until 12:01 to take my 1st drink in 365 days.... It didn't take much. I had 1 shot, glass of Verdi, 1 mixed drink and I was done. The next morning I woke up and remembered how it's feels to have a couple and why it felt so good for 365 days not to drink. Next was coffee....not so great. I'm sure it was due to being flavored coffee (French vanilla) it was way too sweet! The next morning I went back to decaf tea. Everyone keeps asking me what will it be for 2012. I thought I would have decided by now but I havent???? What I do know is I can do anything I set my mind to. I believe that this has shown me my strength that I didn't know I had. 2012 is going to be a exciting year. I can't wait to take it head on. It amazes me what you can learn from something that you quickly decided on a whim to see if you could.

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